Sunday, January 10, 2010


In an effort to advertise my new vinyl business I am doing a free giveaway. If you want to win $25 of free vinyl in any color and style you must...

1. Write up a post on your blog or facebook, explaining the FREE VINYL GIVEAWAY!

2.Include a LINK to my vinyl blog in your post!

3.Come back to this post, and make a comment with your name and email, letting me know that you posted about "EVERYTHING VINYL"on your blog or facebook-ANYONE can enter, even if I don't know you!
Note: If your blog is private you can either write about my website on facebook or if I don't know you, you'll have to send me an invite so I will know that you posted it on your blog.

4.Check back here on Saturday, January 16th & see if you WON!!! (drawing is determined using Random Number Generator!)



  1. Hey! I posted a link on my blog for your free giveaway! I love the stuff you have and the prices are pretty reasonable! My blog is private... I think you are able to see it, but just in case I sent an invite to your email listed on here! Good luck in all your endeavors and let me know if I can do anything to help! :)

  2. wasn't sure which one to post on, but i love vinyl and I blogged about your new business and your giveaway!!
